
Inertial Sensors Toolbox (InerSensTB)

A Matlab© library for real-time data processing of inertial sensors.

InerSensTB© is a collection of Matlab functions which implements a variety of algorithms initially created for the Silop. A partial list of the techniques made available is:

  • gait event detection from COM biaxial acceleration
  • gait phases detection from foot gyro
  • step length estimation from vertical COM acceleration

Over the years the toolbox has been extended to other topics, as:

  • paddling frequency estimation for flat water kayak
  • jump energy/height estimation from COM acceleration
  • squat-jump energy estimation from COM acceleration
  • Activity identification in free-living conditions

The toolbox also includes a set of functions designed to simplify the real-time developing process. These functions includes:

  • Automatic data acquisition from an Xsens XbusMaster device (more devices to be included)
  • An event loop which manages the sampled data, and runs the previously planned algorithms.
  • An algorithm dependency system, which allows an easy inter-algorithm communication process

This toolbox is released according to the GPLv3 license. More info: